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A timeless passion since 2005

Detailled production

How to find yours ?

There’s one board by colour
After the colour, choose:
- The engine (moteur)
- Left Hand Drive (DàG) or Right Hand Drive (DàD) sold in England and Japan. 
- Kind of gearbox, manuel 6 speed (BVM6) or automatic (BVA5)
- Level of equipment (Expression, Hélios, Dynamique or Privilège)
- Colour of side panels and dashboard (harmonie intérieure) 
- Seats type (Reêtements des sièges)
- And finaly if you have a sun roof (Toit ouvrant) with (TO) or without (SANS TO)
And you will read the quantity producted (quantité produite).

Regarding all these possibilities, more than 100 Produced Avantime are unique ! 

scarab green

production vertscarabee

java green

production verttaiga

tibetan blue

production bleutibetain

steel grey

production grisacier


production steppe

mars red

production rougedemars


production nocturne

illiade blue

production bleuilliade

monaco blue

production bleumethyl

sirius grey

production grissirius

pluton grey

production grispluton

Centaur green

production girscentaure

Pearl black

production noirnacredore
© Conception & réalisation: Amicale Avantime - 2022